Digital Carbon Project logo

The Digital Carbon Project exists to make our online environments sustainable and efficient.

Our mission is to facilitate collaboration to reduce the environmental impact of the digital world through four key areas:

Digital Carbon Project users illustration
Users are the people who visit and engage with sites across the internet. They’re the key audience that requires educating.

Users are the people who visit and engage with sites across the internet. They’re the key audience that requires educating.

Digital Carbon Project producers illustration
Producers are the people facilitating the creation and upkeep of these different sites. They help shape the way sites are built in the future.

Producers are the people facilitating the creation and upkeep of these different sites. They help shape the way sites are built in the future.

Digital Carbon Project servers illustration
Servers are where all these sites are located. If we can make this more efficient, we all benefit.

Servers are where all these sites are located. If we can make this more efficient, we all benefit.

Digital Carbon Project developers illustration
Developers create the way websites are structured and built. The more well planned the build of a website can be, the lighter weight footprint it’ll create.

Developers create the way websites are structured and built. The more well planned the build of a website can be, the lighter weight footprint it’ll create.

What drives us

The internet alone now emits more co2 into the atmosphere than the entire aviation industry. If the global IT sector were a nation, only the USA and China would contribute more co2.

We want to encourage the online world to adopt best practice and use their financial and influential clout for good. By encouraging relationships across sectors, we will embed sustainable practices before it’s too late, taking notes from sectors which failed to do so in the last century. Embracing innovation and promoting ideas will result in a healthier world, online and offline.

How we work

The Digital Carbon Project takes a holistic approach to the climate crisis. We are committed to fostering engagement with marginalised communities and allowing all people the ability to exist sustainably in the digital world. We work by joining like-minds together, encouraging the currently unengaged to join the table.

Our current focus is promoting the reduction of emissions through more efficient website design.

Our goals for the end of 2022

  • Present our first Digital Carbon Awards for best corporate practice.
  • Curate a Digital Carbon Journalism award—rewarding and encouraging the spread of information.
  • Support developers to gain early career experience in sustainable design.
  • Support positive businesses and organisations to reach receptive audiences.
  • Neutralise the digital emissions of 15 thousand internet users through efficient design.
  • Produce a collaborative Best Practice Guide for internet users.
Digital Carbon Project logo

For business enquiries:

The digital emissions from this site is an estimated 0.156g of CO₂ per page view.